An enigmatic writer struggling for inspiration is suddenly confronted by the sudden death of a young woman in a hotel room. Setting up his typewriter, he begins to craft future events in this absorbing story filled with intrigue and wonder. As we follow the
... writer through several strange encounters, the riddle at the heart of it all slowly unfurls before him. Replete with an ambiguous storyline, a search for truth in the mind of the artist and some stirring camera work that effectively captures the uncanny setting, 'Breakfast for Two' is a mysterious, entrancing affair.
An enigmatic writer struggling for inspiration is suddenly confronted by the sudden death of a young woman in a hotel room. Setting up his typewriter, he begins to craft future events in this absorbing story filled with intrigue and wonder. As we follow the writer through several strange encounters, the riddle at the heart of it all slowly unfurls before him. Replete with an ambiguous storyline, a search for truth in the mind of the artist and some stirring camera work that effectively captures the uncanny setting, 'Breakfast for Two' is a mysterious, entrancing affair.