Abdollah is a 15-year old teenager who lives in the city of Ra'as-ol Kheymeh. He is the muezzin of the local mosque but he also has artistic interests. He learns painting from his Indian friend, Rama and never misses watching a movie because he loves cinema.
... When the movie 'Harry Potter' is shown in the cinemas, in Ra'as-ol Kheymeh, he tries to go watch it as soon as possible, but whenever he decides to go, something happens that prevents him. Eventually, the movie's screening is over, but he is determined to see it, so he decides to go to Dubai which is 100 km away from where he lives. He gets caught in amazing and strange adventure during his trip.
Abdollah is a 15-year old teenager who lives in the city of Ra'as-ol Kheymeh. He is the muezzin of the local mosque but he also has artistic interests. He learns painting from his Indian friend, Rama and never misses watching a movie because he loves cinema. When the movie 'Harry Potter' is shown in the cinemas, in Ra'as-ol Kheymeh, he tries to go watch it as soon as possible, but whenever he decides to go, something happens that prevents him. Eventually, the movie's screening is over, but he is determined to see it, so he decides to go to Dubai which is 100 km away from where he lives. He gets caught in amazing and strange adventure during his trip.