The Daughters of Eve

1961 |85 min | Drama
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Following a common pattern, a young man named Parvin [Ahmad Ghadakchian] from an outlying municipality looking for work and a better life comes to Tehran and moves into a crowded apartment building. He soon becomes enamored of a neighbor girl [Vida ... Ghahremani] who also has another admirer. Before long his rival falls in love with another girl and then the two couples marry at the same time.
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About The Daughters of Eve
Following a common pattern, a young man named Parvin [Ahmad Ghadakchian] from an outlying municipality looking for work and a better life comes to Tehran and moves into a crowded apartment building. He soon becomes enamored of a neighbor girl [Vida Ghahremani] who also has another admirer. Before long his rival falls in love with another girl and then the two couples marry at the same time.
Trying to get Pregnant
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