A series of 49 documentary films by 31 filmmakers, Children of the Land of Iran provides a window into the traditions, rituals and people within the rich and diverse culture of Iran. The film tells a very emotionally engaging story about a clergyman who
... decides to fulfil his military service in a medical institution. This institution, incidently, specializes in taking care of patients with an incurable disease. The film consists of beautifully constructed cinematography which reflects the atmosphere of the spiritual theme behind it. Synopsis by IMVBox.com
A series of 49 documentary films by 31 filmmakers, Children of the Land of Iran provides a window into the traditions, rituals and people within the rich and diverse culture of Iran. The film tells a very emotionally engaging story about a clergyman who decides to fulfil his military service in a medical institution. This institution, incidently, specializes in taking care of patients with an incurable disease. The film consists of beautifully constructed cinematography which reflects the atmosphere of the spiritual theme behind it. Synopsis by IMVBox.com