
1970 |110 min | Drama
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"Lili" is a wealthy woman and owns several institutions. She has a young daughter named "Shirin" and has recently separated from her husband. Lily falls in love with one of her employees named Saeed. Saeed who has a wife and a child named Ramin. He does not ... pay attention to Lily. Lily makes a series of conspiracies to get Saeed. As a result of the interactions caused by the conspiracies, Saeed's wife commits suicide and Saeed commits murder as a result of the conflict and is sentenced to prison. Years later, when Saeed is released from prison, Ramin informs Shirin of his impending marriage. Saeed initially hesitates in front of his son's request, who wants his consent, in terms of the bitter adventures of the past, but then he forgets the past for the sake of Ramin and Shirin's happiness and agrees. This is the time when Lily and Saeed are old and there is no trace of all that evil and passion in them.
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About Forgotten
"Lili" is a wealthy woman and owns several institutions. She has a young daughter named "Shirin" and has recently separated from her husband. Lily falls in love with one of her employees named Saeed. Saeed who has a wife and a child named Ramin. He does not pay attention to Lily. Lily makes a series of conspiracies to get Saeed. As a result of the interactions caused by the conspiracies, Saeed's wife commits suicide and Saeed commits murder as a result of the conflict and is sentenced to prison. Years later, when Saeed is released from prison, Ramin informs Shirin of his impending marriage. Saeed initially hesitates in front of his son's request, who wants his consent, in terms of the bitter adventures of the past, but then he forgets the past for the sake of Ramin and Shirin's happiness and agrees. This is the time when Lily and Saeed are old and there is no trace of all that evil and passion in them.
Trying to get Pregnant
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