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2006 |76 min | Drama | 4.1
Ourghan is a young Turkish musician who is in love with an Armenian girl named Rami. He marries her despite their families' objections. However, the Gharehbagh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia takes them apart. The young man cannot find Rami during the war. ... Ten years later, when he is an old man, he is determined to find Rami and their child, so he embarks on a long trip from Azerbaijan to Iran and then Armenia...
About Rami
Ourghan is a young Turkish musician who is in love with an Armenian girl named Rami. He marries her despite their families' objections. However, the Gharehbagh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia takes them apart. The young man cannot find Rami during the war. Ten years later, when he is an old man, he is determined to find Rami and their child, so he embarks on a long trip from Azerbaijan to Iran and then Armenia...
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