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Something Like My Eyes

In this extraordinary film about the perseverance of man in the face of adversity, we meet Abdolvahed, who was playing with his cousin when an explosion changed his life forever. The hill had been mined by the Iranian army to confront the Kurds. Without hands ... and eyes, he would not be admitted at school, until Mr. Zareie, a devoted teacher, taught him how to read using his lips. Synopsis by
About Something Like My Eyes
In this extraordinary film about the perseverance of man in the face of adversity, we meet Abdolvahed, who was playing with his cousin when an explosion changed his life forever. The hill had been mined by the Iranian army to confront the Kurds. Without hands and eyes, he would not be admitted at school, until Mr. Zareie, a devoted teacher, taught him how to read using his lips. Synopsis by
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