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45546 (یازده سپتامبر)

2002 | Drama , Experimental | 6.9
The news of the September 11, 2001 attacks reaches an Afghan refugee camp, where bricks are produced to build new shelters, in view of the attacks promised by the United States. Here a young teacher tries to explain to her young students what happened and to ... make them respect a minute of silence in honor of the victims. Attempts, however, fail one after another. Finally, the teacher finds herself having to impose the minute of silence on the children near a chimney
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About September 11
The news of the September 11, 2001 attacks reaches an Afghan refugee camp, where bricks are produced to build new shelters, in view of the attacks promised by the United States. Here a young teacher tries to explain to her young students what happened and to make them respect a minute of silence in honor of the victims. Attempts, however, fail one after another. Finally, the teacher finds herself having to impose the minute of silence on the children near a chimney
Trying to get Pregnant

Casts of 45546


The genre of 45546: drama, experimental

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